Americos Industries Inc.
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Silicone Softeners Silicone Softening Agent Concentrated Silicone Softener
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Silicone Softeners Elastomer Softener Silicone for Whites Hydrophilic Softener
Cationic Flakes Non-Ionic Softeners Anti-Ozone Softeners Softener for Jari
Softener for Polyester Hair (Artificial Hair)

Softener for Jari

Americos Shine Soft 63 NS
(Specifically formulated softener for Jari)

Americos Shine Soft 63 NS is specifically formulated concentrated silicone for Jari on cotton/knits and denim. The finish goods will give the appearance of shine, bright and sheen fabric.

Physical Property :
Appearance Transparent jell type
Composition nonionic
pH 7-7.5
Compatibility Compatible with most nonionic and cationic processing
Formaldehyde None


Americos Shine Soft 63 NS S is mildly cationic ensuring a soft hand, while keeping the degree of whiteners unaffected.


Exhaust method:

(Package m/c, Wash wheel, Soft-flow m/c, Winch)
Americos Shine Soft 63 NS 0.5 –1% (owg)
M:L ratio 1:1
Temperature 45°–50°C
pH 7
Time 20-30 min

Padding method:
Americos Shine Soft 63 NS 10-30g/l
M:L ratio 1:1
pH 7

Impregnate the fabric for 70–80% pick-up and dry it at 120°–140°C for 2–3 min.

Partial Air-dry, curing at 350° Fahrenheit

Pick up should be 70-80% wet on dry

Storage & Handling Precautions:
Technical Service :
Information covering specific application of this product is available. Americos Industries will work with customers to enhance processes and solve problems. Let us know what you need and we will assist you.
(The information and data contained herein are based on controlled lab work. The recommendations are given on experience basis, but cannot be extended to assure every possible case. It should be verified and evaluated by the user ough proper testing for the intended conditions of application. Americos does not express or imply any warranty, or guarantee the suitability of the product for the application intended by buyer of the product)
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Softener for Polyester Hair (Artificial Hair)

Americos Vigor 45 NS
(Softening agent for Polyester Hair)

Americos Vigor 45 NS is specifically formulated concentrated silicone for velvet finish on polyester hair. The finish goods will give the appearance of shine, bright and sheen hair. It can be use on cotton / knits fabric.

Physical property:
Appearance Transparent jell type
Type Non-ionic
pH 7–7.5
Compatibility Compatible with most nonionic and cationic processing
Formaldehyde None


Americos Vigor 45 NS S is mildly cationic ensuring a soft hand, while keeping the degree of whiteners unaffected.


Exhaust method:

(Package m/c, Wash wheel, Soft-flow m/c, Winch)
Americos Vigor 45 NS 0.5 –1% (owg)
M:L ratio 1:1
Temperature 45° - 50°C
pH 7
Time 20-30 min
Padding method:
Americos Vigor 45 NS 10 –30g/l
M:L ratio 1:1
pH 7

Impregnate the fabric for 70–80% pick-up and dry it at 120°–140°C for 2–3 min.

Partial Air-dry, curing at 350° Fahrenheit

Pick up should be 70-80% wet on dry

Storage & Handling Precautions:
Technical Service:
Information covering specific application of this product is available. Americos Industries will work with customers to enhance processes and solve problems. Let us know what you need and we will assist you.
(The information and data contained herein are based on controlled lab work. The recommendations are given on experience basis, but cannot be extended to assure every possible case. It should be verified and evaluated by the user ough proper testing for the intended conditions of application. Americos does not express or imply any warranty, or guarantee the suitability of the product for the application intended by buyer of the product)
Yes! I am Interested


Silicone Softeners Elastomer Softener Silicone for Whites Hydrophilic Softener
Cationic Flakes Non-Ionic Softeners Anti-Ozone Softeners Softener for Jari
Softener for Polyester Hair (Artificial Hair)

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